About Us

About Delhi Public School Nawada

In an intensely competitive world today, there is an urgent need to start as early as possible and make children ready for the world of future. Even today is late.

At Delhi Public School, we believe in a early start. It’s the right time to lay the first step for your child’s bright future. In keeping with the vision of the DPS Educational Society which aims at preparing Global citizens and agents of social change committed to Humanistic values and Democratic Traditions, we at Delhi Public School Nawada aim to make our school.

Create responsible global citizen with global understanding and a real concern for environment. A learning community of motivated students and staff engaged in active learning through the best use of modern technology. To inspire and in still strong and enduring values and ethics and thereby equip young minds to face all challenges in life successfully

Why Choose Us

Life is a network of various experiences. It is also said, “Men want victory everywhere but they get defeated from their own children” and still they are never curious to know the reason. The central element for quality of life starts from the school level. The choice of hobbies, education and occupation demands little guidance. Every institution has its own principles of investigation and so do ours. We encourage for being practical in the field of education. After a long attempt we are in position to present ourselves before you and too intend to get help for our lotus to bloom. It is very difficult to satisfy each one with perfection.

We put all our energies to concentrate and get attached to upgrade the kids and adolescents. But our brains shall be unable to conceive those noble ideas that require to strengthen a locality, society and the nation unless our foundation is not strong. it is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing, i.e. We need your complete cooperation and guidelines. We are asked what goodness is with us. Society needs sweetness but there is no perfect social ideology to offer a necklace. we are traveling continuously in the same way towards the same goal but by different paths made by the necessities of the case to suit the diverse mind. Have confidence on ourselves trust in the almighty. Let your child grow under the selfless service of DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL NAWADA.